Sunday, December 23, 2007

Vann Family Trivia, Installment #1

Vann family trivia:

1. Which "hardened" individual is now a district manager for a pharmaceutical company but had careers as a US Army officer and a Director of Admissions? Bonus: Is that a "Dead Kennedies" or "Sex Pistols/Johnnie Rotten" t-shirt. Perhaps it was the "Punks Not Dead" t-shirt he drew with a box sharpies. (Nice glove, Michael....)

2. Which individual sporting a "bowl" cut now plants churches in the North East? Hint: his shins are well-protected. Bonus: which one of his brothers knocked 2-3 of his teeth out when he missed with the padded part of a boxing glove and uppercut him with the flat, unpadded part of his palm?

3. Which cherub-faced kid could set up the VCR (which is just out of view is this picture) as a 2 year old? Hint: he had more nicknames as a child than he has melanocytes (and the ability to get a tan).

4. Which individual wearing white sweat pants is 6 months away from completing 9 years of medical training? (Bonus question: any hope of white sweat pants ever making a come back?)

5. Which innocent looking 8 year old would later pen a caustic look at her older brother's selfish ways and describe his saxaphone playing as "squeaking notes from a second hand saxaphone?" Bonus: Whose house was she living in at the time? Double bonus: why was it so hard to see that the Starbucks cup she was repeatedly claiming as her own had his birth year on it?

6. Which individual (wearing long-striped socks) once drove a worn-out Isuzu Rodeo painted like the Chic-Filet cow which had a sign on it that said, "Honk if you like chicken." Bonus: How many times as a high school junior did he admire his side-burns in the mirror?

Answers can be submitted to The winner will receive an autographed copy of Richard Thomas Vann's discertation on Jonathan Maxie, the first president of USC. The runner-up will receive the Dallas Cowboys g-string I received for Christmas. Third place will receive the CD "Fabio after Dark."

Check back next month for the answers.


Funky Cold Medinas said...

So, you DID get my Christmas present!!! Hee. Hee. Hee.

Heather said...

1. Aaron
2. Austin
3. Adrian
4. Elliott
5. Audrea
6. Alex

Do I win? Do I win????

Merry Christmas to the Vanns in San Antonio! Thanks for a couple of great posts!